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As I read the news, or watch it on television, and when I talk to "regular" people, I'm struck by how much they do not know, or worst yet, by what they accept as true, without thinking critically about it. I'd like to help correct this problem. WAKE UP PEOPLE..WE HAVE THE POWER TO FIX THINGS!!!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Picking a President from Honorable Men

as i see it...Both candidates for President seem to be honorable men. The Incumbent is a family man with a beautiful wife and two wonderful daughters. The challenger has an equally lovely wife and five well brought up sons.. And though they have different backgrounds and experiences, demonizing either man seems both hysterical and uncalled for.

The incumbent, Mr. Obama began his career as a "neighborhood organizer" which I assume means he helped low income people apply for state and federal aid programs. He then ran for and was elected to the Senate, where he quickly ran for and was elected President.

At this time I want to say that 150 years after the Civil War, it was time in 2008 that America elected an African-American President. The next step would be to elect a woman to our highest office. (Hilary?)

The Challenger, Mr. Romney began as a businessman, who built a $Billion business from nothing, then worked on and saved a massively corrupt and financially ruined International Olympics. Then he became the Republican Governor of wildly Democratic Massachusetts and balanced four state budgets. Then he began running for President.

Again, both men are honorable products of their experiences. But what is the BIGGEST problem facing whoever wins the November election? THE PROBLEM IS THE ECONOMY!! and how to cure it and bring America back to a competent leadership role, WITH NEW WELL PAYING JOBS for our kids and their kids.

Beyond the crazy emotions on both sides, the recriminations and vilifications we hear and are frankly sick of on the campaign trail, the man whose resume speaks loudest to his ability to fix the problem is the challenger, MR. ROMNEY

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