Why you should read/follow this Blog...

As I read the news, or watch it on television, and when I talk to "regular" people, I'm struck by how much they do not know, or worst yet, by what they accept as true, without thinking critically about it. I'd like to help correct this problem. WAKE UP PEOPLE..WE HAVE THE POWER TO FIX THINGS!!!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

The "Occupy" Movement

as i see it...As a rebelious former "Long Haired" Hippy, now a Boomer, little makes me prouder than a good protest, where people voice their opinions under the Right of FREE Speach. And I do love the idea of the "Arab Spring", where people who live under regimes that give them little or no power, rise up and demand change that improves their lives and the lives of their children. And I do love the idea that it is happening in places as diverse as Northern Africa, the Middle East, and even Mother Russia!! These people are risking their lives, facing bullets and in some places like Syria, facing tanks, for the freedoms we enjoy here in the United States.

But that's where the difference lies...

We in America are not "powerless". We have enormous power, both political and economic, to change things...(drum roll please)..if we get off our overly comfortable bottoms, educate ourselves as to how our system of economics and politics really works, and then make the system that our forefathers (and especially our foremothers) gave us, work for us.

1. Economically - If a company doesn't behave as you want, dont buy their stuff!! If a bank doesn't behave, move your money out. There are millions of us. We have millions of $ of disposable income. They will listen.

2. Politically - Watch your representative. He/She works for you. Dont bellyache "they never listen,,my vote doesnt count". If you had a business and an employee didn't do what you wanted, you would fire them. Wouldn't you?

STOP whining!! Stop giving yourself reasons for inaction! YOU AND I HAVE TO TAKE RESPONCIBILITY!!

In future posts, I'll talk about the "Banking Crisis" the "Housing Crisis," and other topics, concerning how we got into trouble and how they can be repaired. But for my first post, I want to SCREAM..We created the mess, and WE can fix it. And my plea to my readers, is simply this: Dont believe platitudes (let alone mindlessly repeat them). You/We have beautiful brains, and we need to use them. Dont believe the prattle about it being the fault of some nebulouse "BOOGY MAN" like the so-called "One Percent". People..Americans all, America is OUR BUSINESS.

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