Why you should read/follow this Blog...

As I read the news, or watch it on television, and when I talk to "regular" people, I'm struck by how much they do not know, or worst yet, by what they accept as true, without thinking critically about it. I'd like to help correct this problem. WAKE UP PEOPLE..WE HAVE THE POWER TO FIX THINGS!!!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Defining Marriage...

as i see it...The people, both gay and straight, who are fighting for what they are convinced is the right thing, should ask themselves if what they want is a solution to the problem or is the goal of the exercise the glory and intrinsic reward of continuing the fight. What do each of the sides want? The gay community is determined that they be legally entitled  to have their relationships accepted by the greater society, under the mantle of "Marriage". They want to be treated equally, with the same rights to legal partnerships that straight people enjoy. The other side is equally determined that "Marriage" is the most sacred union, and that it is described by God as being between a man and a woman. And frankly, no one would say that gay and straight unions are "the same thing". And is the union of two men "the same" as a union between two women? Obviously not.

So how do we address the problem, without having peoples heads explode? Let me offer a solution: First let's abolish the legal definition of "Marriage". Puff!! it no longer exists. Then let's look around at things that are of equal standing, yet are called something different - Places of worship!! First, we have Christian "churches", Jewish "synagogues", "mosques,""temples" "halls" and any number of other religious establishments. Every town in America has some combination of them, and few people object.

So, let's call the various different unions by other names!! We can call unions of women and men "1". We can call unions of men and men an "A". And unions of women and women could be called "Purple". Different, but legal unions. Nothing to fight about!! (The unions my cousin Arnold still has, with a different woman every night, would still be called "Sleezy and Irresponsible").

What do you think??


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Ahhh I deleted my post! Great post, Brian!
